Javelin Astro Spiral Jump
J & M Production Astro Spiral AMC Javelin over 30 feet upside down in the air! This death defying stunt was first done in Houston at the Astrodome. It would later appear at thrill shows all over the country. There were 6 of these special six cyinder Javelins used, mostly stipped with no options and beefy front ends and if you ever saw them land after doing a 360 you would know why. The most famous of this particular jumps was utilized the the James Bond (AMCers call it a AMC Cult Classic!!) film "The Man With The Golden Gun" whereas a red 360V8 powered Hornet hatchback performs same stunt over a canal in Thailand.
above image from http://route66rambler.com/forum/topicview/misc/the_amc_racing_heritage/astro_spiral_javelin.htm
next two are from http://www.planethoustonamx.com/press_photos/amc_press_photos.htm
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